Read Source Code of Webpage

Command Prototype

sRet = WebBrowser.GetHTML(hWeb,optionArgs)

Command Description

Read source code (HTML) of the current page. Reading code is different from reading source file of a webpage. If the webpage is built with JS, the read code will include a full HTML structure tree rendered

Parameter Description
Required Parameter
hWeb--Browser's handle string returned with WebBrowser.Create or WebBrowser.Bind functions
Optional Parameter
bContinueOnError--Specify whether automation should continue if the activity throws an error. This field only supports Boolean values ​​(True, False). The default is False
iDelayAfter--The delay in milliseconds after the activity is executed. The default is 300 milliseconds
iDelayBefore--The delay in milliseconds before the activity starts any operation. The default is 200 milliseconds
sRet--The variable used to save the output of the function call

results matching ""

    No results matching ""